Friday, June 02, 2006

Take your iPod to bed

Interesting idea, via Sleep Disorders blog: a pre-recorded morning talk-show puts you to sleep because it is a distraction from Real Life worries that may otherwise keep you awake at night, yet no need to worry that you'll miss something interesting.

I need to try me some Diane Rehm show. With her slow, monotonous manner of talking, I bet she would put me to sleep in five seconds. It almost puts me to sleep while I'm driving!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Along the same lines, listening to audiobooks helps me (very insomniac) a lot. I listen to the same few books over and over to fall asleep, because the point really is just the not-very-engaging talking.

    Unfortunately, it drives my sweetie nuts. Until I can figure out how to fall asleep with headphones, we're at loggerheads.


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